Scholastic Sunday Tournament
Sun, Nov 03
|St. Monica School Gym (Enter Door 15)
A chess tournament for kids from kindergarten to 12th grade, rated by the US Chess Federation (with unrated section for beginners)!

Time & Location
Nov 03, 2024, 1:45 PM – 6:00 PM
St. Monica School Gym (Enter Door 15), 6131 Michigan Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46228, USA
About The Event
Kids who have learned how the pieces move and some basic strategy are welcome to enter the world of rated chess tournaments! All school-aged kids from kindergarten to 12th grade are welcome. Walk-ins are discouraged, as we would appreciate all registering online in advance. The chess playing room is a silent atmosphere to enable maximum concentration.
For the "rated" tournament, all players MUST be members of the US Chess Federation ($20/year). Before registering for the rated event, become a member of USCF here (you will need to write down your child's USCF ID#). However, being a member of Indy Chess--our local club--at $50/year/student or $75/year/family is optional. If interested, you can do that here to get a $5 discount on this event and every other one you attend this year with us, including Weekly Tuesdays, and support the growth of chess in Indy!
[If a beginner and wanting to play in the "casual" tournament (unrated, does not require USCF membership), that is explained far below.]
Here are the details:
- Check-in on site: 1:45-2:00pm, entering the door up a few exterior stairs/ramp (not the street-level door). Games start right after a player meeting at 2:15pm.
- 4ss: Four rounds in a "Swiss" system. A Swiss tournament--the most common chess form--means every player plays every round, with future rounds pairing those who won and those who lost. Up to two 1/2-point byes can be requested by emailing or telling the tournament director at the event which rounds you would like byes.
- G/25+5: Games are 25 minutes on each players clock, plus 5 seconds added to a player's time when they hit the clock every move.
- USCF-rated: All players must be members of the US Chess Federation and provide a member ID# in online registration. The cost for the annual scholastic membership is $20. This will give each child a "rating" in chess that will follow them with each tournament they play. Ratings are in blitz, quick, and regular play, and the 25+5 time control affects their regular and their quick rating.
- Entry fee is $20/kid, or $15 for members of Indy Chess.
- Kids rated under 1000 are divided into three sections so kids play only those in their age group (e.g., 3rd Grade & Under, 6th Grade & Under, and 12th Grade & Under). Want your child to "play up?" Just email Mike at Notation is optional but encouraged in these sections.
- There is one "Premiere" section for kids rated 1000 or above (published rating from the 1st of the month). Notation is required in the premiere sections.
Casual Tournament:
Alongside the rated tournament, kids can instead register for a casual tournament (i.e., unrated) which will begin at the same time. The games will be unclocked, notation is not required, and the tournament director will determine section splits based on turnout. It will be a Swiss tournament (i.e., all players play all rounds, unless someone gets a bye due to an odd number). There will be four rounds. There are medals for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners!
Other details:
- Children under 12 years old must have an adult present and responsible for them, unless the parent/guardian has the permission of the tournament director.
- Concessions are typically available for sale by St. Monica, including hot food!
- An outside playground is available.
- Parents may watch chess silently from the bleachers in the gym, or sit at tables in the cafeteria. There is a guest WiFi network with password August27.
- The site is wheelchair accessible.
- Parking is free in the school lot (Door 15 is located near the southeast side of the building), but is sometimes full right at 1:45p due to a church function. Parking on a nearby street for overflow is available.
- Chess sets, clocks, and notation sheets are provided for up to 60 kids. If the child has played in a tournament or two prior, it is helpful if they bring a regulation set and/or clock to ensure there are enough.
- Trophies are provided to the top three finishers in each of the three lower sections. In the premiere section, a $50 Amazon gift card goes to the winner (decided by 5+0 blitz playoff if need be, Black/White randomly chosen).
- Players who notate at least one game get to pick a prize from the bin at the end of the tournament! Learn how to notate chess moves here (YouTube link).
Questions? Email Mike at We hope to see you there!